Monday 13 October 2014

Penang Botanic Garden

Penang Botanic Gardens

The Penang Botanic Gardens, more popularly known as the "Waterfall Gardens", was established by the British way back in 1884 from an old quarry site. The beautiful grounds and the tranquility of the gardens have long been enjoyed and admired by millions of visitors. Besides being the arboretum living plants specimens, it is also the seat of botanical conservation, education and training. The Gardens also play an important role in the field of horticulture and landscaping development. The Gardens were founded in 1884 by Charles Curtis from the Gardens and Forests Departments Straits Settlements. As the first Curator, Curtis was a devoted plant lover who tirelessly transformed the granite quarry into a garden, and greatly contributed to the botanical and horticulture development of the Gardens.

Walking around the Gardens, one cannot miss the Cannon Ball Tree (Couropita guanensis) and the large buttress roots of the Sengkuang Tree (Dracanta melondao). Look out for the Pinang Palm (Areca catechu) that lent its name to the island of Penang, and the Black Lily (Taccaintegrifalia) with its unique purplish-black coloured flowers. The endemic Slipper Orchid (Paphio pedilum barbatum) and the ginger, Geoctachys penangensis, can also be found here.

Look out also for the wildlife inhabiting the gardens. Commonly seen are the long-tailed Macaques, Dusky Leaf Monkeys, Black Giant Squirrels and a myriad of insects and butterflies.
From afar, one could catch a view of the famous waterfall up on the hills above the reservoir.

Some useful guidelines:

1) it is important to respect the plants and animals here. Please do not remove, damage, or intentionally disturb them.
2) Keep the grounds clean at all times. Do not litter. You can also help us by picking up any rubbish that you come across during your walk.
3) Stay on established trails.
4) Do not start fires.
5) Observe and listen to the voices of your natural surrounding. Appreciate nature without disturbing it with loud noises. Please also refrain from using any audio equipment.

How to get there

By car or bus. The garden is about 8km from town centre. Parking is available for vehicles at several car parks just outside the Garden entrance.


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